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Packaging Filler Is Crucial To Your Business: Learn Which Filler You Should Be Using!

Deciding how to protect your products during transit best can be a challenge. Today we are helping you tackle this by breaking down some of our most popular fillers, foam, and bubble wrap. Both have extensive protective qualities, but today we want to focus on which is the best option for your shipping practices.


Foam is a great filler that helps cushion your products inside of their shipping box or container. This filler is often used between dishes and around items already in a package with other fillers. While they come in different thickness levels, foam is typically the right choice if you are looking for a thinner filler to place between fragile items.

Foam can come in a variety of sizes, pouches, and even pre-cut options, making it an efficient filler to use when looking to speed up the shipping process. Want to cut down on the amount of tape you use when packing products? Here at Pinnacle Packaging, we sell self-adhesive foam that sticks to itself and not your products so that you can use less tape. To reduce the movement inside your shipping box, we also offer foam corners that can act as edge protectors that reduce shock when shipping.

Bubble Wrap

While initially designed to be used as wallpaper, bubble wrap has become the classic shipping filler we all know and love. Bubble wrap uses its unique air pockets to help keep products protected and suspended in their shipping container. Unlike foam, bubble wrap tends to be slightly thicker due to the air pocket design, so it is typically sufficient to be used alone.

Like foam, bubble wrap comes in a variety of bubble and sheet sizes so that you can pick the right size for your products. At Pinnacle Packaging, we offer our bubble wrap on rolls and in sheets, so you can always find a filler that meets your shipping requirements. We even provide anti-static bubble wrap that is the perfect filler to protect electronic items during shipping.

At Pinnacle Packaging, we know that finding a suitable filler for your shipping or eCommerce business might seem overwhelming at first. We hope that by breaking down some of the characteristics of our most popular fillers, we’ve helped you narrow down the right filler product for all of your shipping needs.